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Hello Mrs Arter This is my two point perspective drawing that i have just re done. All my stuff is at school and i just have my Chromebook so i have no other ways of seeing my artwork besides memory I should've taken pictures of them. Sorry about all this mess the corona stuff kinda just messed life up.  

This is my two point perspective drawing. I feel like i did good on the buildings and the sky but i could have put something more in the bottom of the paper its just empty and i didn't really know what to put on it, overall i think i did good though, my details could have been better but my proportions and two point view is good.


This is my Self portrait. This was really hard to get the proportions and just the little detail in the clothing. I feel like i did good on my hoodie and my hair. but i feel like i could have done better at the facial details and proportions. My eyebrows are kinda too bushy and i went too hard on my cheeks so they became too dark and i had to turn it in. But I get the big picture of t, i know how to do it i just need practice  

Artist statements

I don't have a picture of my one point perspective but i can tell you everything that was on the paper and just have you visualize everything that i did. My one point was A road leading to a tunnel into the mountains. and there were power lines on the right with a big open field of grass on the left. My road was very proportional and receded into the distance going into the tunnel. The grassy field on the left side was rushed and sloppy, My grass was dis proportional to where it was in the picture. It was big and then small then big then small but i didn't think about distance so it looked like a ladder going into the sky. My shading in this was good, very well blended, i remember because  was so proud of myself. Overall it was good, the grassy field just needed some work. 

My still life was a cup, a desani water bottle, and my Carmex tube The carmex tube was in the middle with the the bottle and cup on the sides. I got all the proportions correct to the table it was on and the distance between them was good as well. The only thing i did bad on was the little details on the cap of the carmex and the water bottle. I drew too hard and when i blended my shading it was just a glob of dark pencil. I ended u erasing it and starting the details over but it just wasn't the same. Thats one thing i could have worked on. The Shading of course. But overall i think it was good. 

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